The SUV variant of the S1 evo3 tyre, which is a great performance tyre with no compromise for an affordable price.
Versatile and dynamic performance on varied terrains, offering exceptional handling on both off-road and dry paved surfaces with direct steering and high comfort.
Outstanding braking performance with very short stopping distances in both wet and dry conditions.
Excellent wet grip with high traction levels that ensure easy control in rainy conditions.
Attractive price-performance ratio with fair pricing and balanced driving qualities across different surfaces.
Slight understeer and reduced stability in wet conditions during aggressive maneuvers, such as rapid lane changes and sharp curves.
Moderate traction performance on sandy surfaces compared to other terrains.
This graph shows how the tyre ranks across different properties compared to other tested tyres. Higher percentile means better performance - 100% means better than every tyre in every test, 0% means worse than every tyre in every test.
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A was launched
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A was tested 1x (Tyre Reviews)
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A was tested 1x (Autobild)
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A was tested 2x (Automotorsport,...)
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A is made in 86 sizes, starting from 235/55 R17 up to 295/35 R23.
All tyre tests where Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A was featured:All tests
Name | |||||||
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A | |||||||
Show test details |
Name | |||||||
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A | |||||||
Show test details |
Name | Wet | Dry | Offroad | ||||
Best values in test | 2+ | 2+ | 2+ | ||||
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A | 2 | 2+ | 2+ | ||||
Show test details |
Name |
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A |
100% (2x) | 85% (2x) | ||
Very good | Exemplary | Recommended | Good |
1x | 1x | 1x | 1x |
R18 | R19 |
95% (3x) | 85% (1x) |
235/xx Rxx |
92.5% (4x) |
Hankook Ventus S1 evo3 SUV K127A is made in Korea.
Yes, this tyre is also made in SUV sizes.