One of the cheaper tyres that can be recommended as it hasn't failed a single test and is often rated as a economical choice. It's surprisingly quiet, so if you are looking for a good and comfortable tyre, Azenis FK520 could be a tyre for you.
This graph shows how the tyre ranks across different properties compared to other tested tyres. Higher percentile means better performance - 100% means better than every tyre in every test, 0% means worse than every tyre in every test.
Falken Azenis FK520 was tested 8x (Autobild,...)
Falken Azenis FK520 was tested 1x (Automotorsport)
Falken Azenis FK520 was tested 3x (ADAC,...)
Falken Azenis FK520 is made in 115 sizes, starting from 205/45 R17 up to 325/30 R21.
All tyre tests where Falken Azenis FK520 was featured:All tests
Name | Wet | Dry | Offroad | ||||
Best values in test | 1- | 2+ | 2 | ||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 2+ | 2+ | 2 | ||||
Show test details |
Name | Enviromental impact | Driving safety | |||||
Best values in test | 1,6 | 1,5 | |||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 2,4 | 2,4 | |||||
Show test details |
Name | Points total | Wet | Dry | ||||
Best values in test | 279 | 141 | 139 | ||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 219 | 102 | 117 | ||||
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Name | |||||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | |||||||
Show test details |
Name | |||||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | |||||||
Show test details |
Name | Wet | Dry | Running costs | ||||
Best values in test | 2+ | 1- | 1 | ||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 2- | 2+ | 2 | ||||
Show test details |
Name | |||||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | |||||||
Show test details |
Name | Stopping distance on dry | Stopping distance on wet | |||||
Best values in test | 58.1 | 24.8 | |||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 60.7 | 27 | |||||
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Name | Wet | Dry | Rolling resistance | Noise | |||
Best values in test | 71 | 54 | 19 | 7 | |||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 60 | 50 | 17 | 6 | |||
Show test details |
Name | Wet | Dry | |||||
Best values in test | 2+ | 1- | |||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | 2 | 2 | |||||
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Name | |||||||
Falken Azenis FK520 | |||||||
Show test details |
100% (3x) | 85% (6x) | 80% (1x) | 0% (1x) | ||||
Highly recommended | Very good | Exemplary | Satisfactory | Good | Recommended | Good - | - |
1x | 1x | 1x | 1x | 4x | 1x | 1x | 1x |
R18 | R19 | R20 |
76.3% (8x) | 90% (2x) | 100% (1x) |
225/xx Rxx | 235/xx Rxx | 255/xx Rxx |
70.8% (6x) | 88.3% (3x) | 100% (2x) |
Falken Azenis FK520 is made in Turkey.
Yes, this tyre is also made in SUV sizes.