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Comparison: Kenda Kenetica Pro KR210 vs. Kumho Ecsta HS52

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Taiwan (Kenda) against a tyre from a manufacturer from South Korea (Kumho). Generally, Kenda summer tyres are slightly better rated (59%) than Kumho (54%). In this particular case, the Kumho Ecsta HS52 has a better rating of 81% compared to 69% of the Kenda Kenetica Pro KR210. The first tyre test of Kenda Kenetica Pro KR210 was done in 2023, compared to 2022 when was the Kumho Ecsta HS52 first tested. Important for this comparison is also the Autobild 2024 205/55 R16 test, where both the Kenetica Pro KR210 and the Ecsta HS52 were tested. See more mutual tests below.

# Kenda Kenetica Pro KR210
Kumho Ecsta HS52

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DimensionsR14 - R18
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Mutual tests

Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test35,425,8
Kenda Kenetica Pro KR21038,631,2
Kumho Ecsta HS5235,4 26,1
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Name Enviromental impactDriving safety
Best values in test1,31,8
Kenda Kenetica Pro KR210
Rating: Good
Kumho Ecsta HS52
Rating: Good
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