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Comparison: Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV vs. Cooper Discoverer Winter

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from South Korea (Nexen) against a tyre from a manufacturer from USA (Cooper). Generally, Cooper winter tyres are slightly better rated (47%) than Nexen (43%). Important for this comparison is also the Autobild 2019 215/60 R17 test, where both the WinGuard Sport 2 SUV and the Discoverer Winter were tested.

# Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV
Cooper Discoverer Winter

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DimensionsR15 - R20 R16 - R21
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Mutual tests

Name WetDrySnow
Best values in test2+21
Nexen WinGuard Sport 2 SUV
Rating: Not recommended
Cooper Discoverer Winter
Rating: Satisfactory
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