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Comparison: Firestone Firehawk Sport vs. Pirelli P ZERO PZ4

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from USA (Firestone) against a tyre from a manufacturer from Italy (Pirelli). Generally, Pirelli summer tyres are slightly better rated (71%) than Firestone (54%). In this particular case, the Pirelli P ZERO PZ4 has a better rating of 88% compared to 76% of the Firestone Firehawk Sport. The first tyre test of Firestone Firehawk Sport was done in 2023, compared to 2017 when was the Pirelli P ZERO PZ4 first tested. Important for this comparison is also the SportAuto 2023 225/40 R18 test, where both the Firehawk Sport and the P ZERO PZ4 were tested. See more mutual tests below. We also know where Firehawk Sport is made - Italy.

# Firestone Firehawk Sport
Pirelli P ZERO PZ4

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Mutual tests

Firestone Firehawk Sport
Rating: Very good
Pirelli P ZERO PZ4
Rating: Very good
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Name WetDry
Best values in test2+1-
Firestone Firehawk Sport
Rating: Satisfactory
Pirelli P Zero PZ4
Rating: Outstanding
2+ 2+
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