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Comparison: Falken Azenis FK510 vs. Nokian zLine

In this comparison, we are comparing a tyre from a manufacturer from Japan (Falken) against a tyre from a manufacturer from Finland (Nokian). Generally, Falken summer tyres are slightly better rated (60%) than Nokian (58%). In this particular case, the Falken Azenis FK510 has a better rating of 74% compared to 37% of the Nokian zLine. The first tyre test of Falken Azenis FK510 was done in 2016, compared to 2015 when was the Nokian zLine first tested. Important for this comparison is also the Automotorsport 2018 225/45 R17 test, where both the Azenis FK510 and the zLine were tested. See more mutual tests below. When it comes to comparison, eu labels can be also interesting - 69% of Falken Azenis FK510 dimensions has A wet grip rating. Most (100%) of the Nokian zLine also have A wet ratings. We also know where Azenis FK510 is made - Japan/Turkey.

# Falken Azenis FK510
Nokian zLine

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DimensionsR17 - R99 R16 - R21
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Mutual tests

Name Points totalWetDryEnviromental impact
Best values in test9,49,89,310
Falken Azenis FK5108,59,27,58,6
Nokian zLine7,88,07,39,0
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Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test1505539147
Falken Azenis FK510
Rating: Recommended
150 6646169
Nokian zLine
Rating: Recommended
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Name WetDry
Best values in test2+1-
Falken Azenis FK510
Rating: Good
Nokian zLine
Rating: Good
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Name Stopping distance on dryStopping distance on wet
Best values in test34,134,6
Falken Azenis FK51035,534,8
Nokian zLine36,140,2
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Name Points totalWetDryRolling resistanceNoise
Best values in test2781461432510
Falken Azenis FK5102441141301610
Nokian zLine240119121229
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