Both of the tyres in this comparison are made by Continental, which is a brand from Germany. In this particular case, the Continental WinterContact TS 870 has a better rating of 98% compared to 95% of the Continental WinterContact TS 870 P. The first tyre test of Continental WinterContact TS 870 P was done in 2021, compared to 2020 when was the Continental WinterContact TS 870 first tested. If you wonder where the tyres in question are made, the WinterContact TS 870 P is made in Czech Republic and WinterContact TS 870 is made in France.
# | Continental WinterContact TS 870 P
| Continental WinterContact TS 870
| Add to comparison |
Dimensions | R16 - R22 | R14 - R19 | |
Price | |||
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1. Continental WinterContact TS 870 P Test winner2. Continental WinterContact TS 870 Very good