This graph shows how the tyre ranks across different properties compared to other tested tyres. Higher percentile means better performance - 100% means better than every tyre in every test, 0% means worse than every tyre in every test.
Nexen N Fera RU 1 was launched
Nexen N Fera RU 1 was tested 1x (Autobild)
All tyre tests where Nexen N Fera RU 1 was featured:All tests
Name | Wet | Dry | Offroad | ||||
Best values in test | 1- | 2+ | 2+ | ||||
Nexen N Fera RU 1 | 2- | 2- | 2+ | ||||
Show test details |
85% (1x) |
Good |
1x |
R17 |
85% (1x) |
225/xx Rxx |
85% (1x) |